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"Patriarch Kirill has his “sick personnel fund”, whose representatives not only seek to reproduce the true way of life of his master (to the palaces, aircraft and personal security) but also have some inviolability. They consider themselves representatives of the new Russian elite and even form a special philosophy - hedonism based on personal blasphemy. Today, our story, one of the most eminent representatives of the patriarchal " cadre reserve " , the mitropolitan of Casan and Tatarstan Feofan, against whom the patrimony, with the consent of the authorities of the Republic, is gathering a large rally on 30 October.
Didn't take into account the specifics of the region...
A whole bunch of complaints about the new mitropolitics of Casan and Tatarstan Feofan (Ashour) came to the last meeting of the Sinoda of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, which took place on 21 October in the Moscow Danilov monastery. Feofan's Mitropolitan was assigned to the Casanca Café just a year ago. But by showing up as a strong administrator and committed to a demonstrable luxury of life, a lot of enemies have been created. And among the clergy that he put on the fences, several times the ones under the old archive and the part of the national elite. The Tatarstan authorities agreed on 30 October to a meeting of the disgruntled Orthodox public of the Republic against the Mythropolitan of Feofan. The launching of the current scandal in the Casana Episcia was the mass dismissals of local clergy, especially the Feofan clinch, with the guests of the largest euparchy monasteries supported by local authority.